Residential SERVICES

Preventative Residentiall Roof Maintenance Edmonton

Don’t let your roof “rain” on your parade: Enhance your home’s defence game with Residential Preventative Fall Roof Maintenance

How old is your house? When was the last time you checked on your roof? From patching up minor leaks to ensuring the longevity of your roof through regular check-ups, our skilled team is dedicated to keeping you covered, literally and figuratively. Our comprehensive residential preventative fall roof repair approach not only addresses immediate repair needs but also extends the life of your roof, shielding you from unexpected expenses and ensuring protection from above.

Is Preventative Fall Roof Maintenance Worth It?

How well do you know your roof? Ignoring a missing shingle (or two) or putting off cleaning your gutters may seem minor, but they can lead to bigger problems for your home. How prepared are you in the case of a roof collapse? What would a roof collapse look like for your home?

Preventative fall roof maintenance programs extend the life of your roof past its warranty coverage to increase the return on investment for your home. Don’t put off maintaining your roof until next season, or you run the risk of early deterioration.

At Knights Roofing, we offer annual and semi-annual ongoing residential roof maintenance programs as per industry code.

What are the benefits of preventative Fall roof maintenance?

Peace of Mind

Gone are the days of worrying about a leaky roof! Our roofing experts will help you catch problems early and provide you with quality solutions without breaking the bank. Regularly maintaining your roof will help you to relax all year long without worrying about unknowns.

Improved energy efficiency

We look for weak insulation points, flashing, and poor ventilation that may increase your heating and cooling costs each year. Save more with improved energy efficiency each season!

Increase your home’s resale value

Investing in a new roof can be costly, but preventative roof maintenance programs will help you preserve your roof and warranty. Removing debris and replacing shingles each year will help you maintain the aesthetic of your home and help you extend your roof’s lifespan.

Our Preventative Residential Roof Fall Maintenance Programs


Roof Inspection

When was the last time you checked your roof? Each year, our crew will inspect your roof for signs of damage such as cracks, flashing, soft spots, seams, and caves. We will also inspect the roof’s perimeter for drainage problems and foliage that may damage your roof. The best time to schedule an inspection is early spring or fall.


Debris removal

After the inspection, we will clear the gutters and remove any dirt, gravel, leaves, and broken shingles from the roof to prevent further damage. Our crew will also help identify any tree branches that are in danger of hitting your roof and provide recommendations for removal.


Repairs as Needed

If any leaks or minor damage has been found, we will provide you with a custom quote before proceeding with the roof repairs as needed. Common repairs include replacing broken or missing shingles, resealing, and clearing gutters. Each quote will outline the material type, our recommendations, and the length of repair time.


Inspection Report

Once our crews have completed the annual maintenance and inspection, you will receive a full inspection report for your records. If your roof is under warranty, you can submit your annual inspection reports to ensure your roof’s warranty is not voided.

Why Fall is the Ideal Time for Residential Roof Repairs and Preventative Maintenance

With summer’s intense heat and storms behind us and winter’s chill still on the horizon, fall offers a sweet spot for roof repairs and preventative maintenance inspections. 

  • Optimal Weather Conditions: Cooler temperatures and lower humidity help roofing materials adhere properly and cure effectively, ensuring long-lasting repairs.
  • Prevent Winter Damage: Addressing issues before winter prevents problems like ice dams and snow accumulation, which can exacerbate roof damage and lead to costly repairs.
  • Enhanced Safety: Mild fall weather reduces risks associated with working on a roof, making it safer for both contractors and homeowners.
  • Improved Scheduling: With fewer emergency calls during fall, contractors can offer more flexible scheduling and quicker service, ensuring your repairs are completed promptly before the harsh winter sets in.

Ensure your roof is ready for winter by scheduling your fall roof repairs today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless of the roof type, every home is unique. Roof inspections for homes can range between 45 minutes to 2 hours. The inspection time will vary depending on how many stories your roof is, the steepness of the pitch, and the size of your home. If minor damage is found on your roof, our crews can repair it on the same day or will work with you to schedule larger repairs.

Your roof condition can change from season to season depending on heavy snow or rain, high winds, and high heat warnings. If you can’t remember the last time it was inspected, it’s time to make an appointment. We recommend scheduling preventative roof maintenance at least once or twice a year in the spring and fall to ensure your roof is ready for whatever the season may hold.

Our crews are highly trained to tackle any issue we may find during the inspection. Our ongoing residential maintenance repair services include, but are not limited to:

  • Small leaks
  • Roof blisters
  • Fishmouths
  • Dried or deteriorated membrane
  • Wet or rotten sections of the roof
  • Metal leakage
  • Deteriorated caulking
  • Delaminated membranes